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Conversations from Death Row

Keith LaMar Talks with a Cultural Anthropology Class


Topic: Race and Place: The impact of segregation and isolation on poor people of color


Click here to listen to the Conversation recorded September 13, 2016


"Race and Place in Youngstown" is a graduate-level anthropology course taught by cultural anthropologist Paul Gordiejew at Youngstown State University. The students are conducting independent "Race and Place" projects in the community of Youngstown over the course of this semester.



Keith LaMar Talks with Childhood Friend Sherman Whaley

Topic: Who did we become? Reconnecting after 30 long years...

Click here to listen to the Conversation recorded August 9, 2016


Sherman Whaley is a close childhood friend of Keith's, someone with whom he reconnected after 30 years of lost contact. He works in law enforcement in Cleveland and is pursuing his MBA, while simultaneously raising a family of four children with his wife.



Keith LaMar Talks with Author Jack Schuler

Topic: What's it like to write about the world when your world is the size of a closet?

Click here to listen to the Conversation recorded July 12, 2016.

Jack Shuler is an author, independent journalist, and essayist. He is the author of three books, including The Thirteenth Turn: A History of the Noose (Public Affairs, 2014). His writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Salon, The Christian Science Monitor, and Truthout, among others. He teaches American literature and narrative nonfiction writing at Denison University. 

Articles Jack Shuler has written about Keith LaMar: 

“Man in Solitary Goes on Hunger Strike after Ohio Prison Limits Access to Books, Music,” Truthout, November 13, 2015.

“There’s So Much Life Here: A Death Row Prisoner Looks Back on Over Twenty Years of Solitary,” Truthout, March 7, 2015.



Keith LaMar Talks with Professor Denis O'Hearn


Topic: What makes a good read and what makes for good writing?
Click here to listen to the Conversation recorded May 10, 2016.


Denis O'Hearn, sociology professor at Binghamton University (Texas A&M University as of Fall 2016) was born in New Mexico and is of Irish and Native Alaskan (Aleut) ancestry. He is the author of the book Nothing But an Unfinished Song, the Biography of Bobby Sands, among others. O'Hearn has known Keith LaMar for many years, has done outside support and advocacy for prisoners on hunger strike in the US, Ireland, and Turkey. 



Keith LaMar Talks with Sociology Professor Nandi Crosby


Topic: What are the costs of incarceration? The economics of prisons (to facilities and to society)

Click here to listen to the Conversation recorded April 11, 2016.


Dr. Nandi Crosby is a transformative teacher, both at the university level and also inside prison walls. She devotes her life to stirring up dialogue about racial, poverty, gender and sexuality oppression. Crosby does the important work of taking students inside prisons, and has published several books, including, Whispers Over the Wall: Prisoners and Students Correspond in Search of AnswersThis Side of My Struggle: Prisoners on Suffering, Surrendering, and Breaking Free (a book of prisoner writings); and her beautiful memoir, If My Soul Be Lost: a Self-Portrait.



Keith LaMar Talks with Musician Mars Zaineb Goetia

Topic: Humanity in the age of capitalism, the dehumanizaiton of prison, and resistance struggle

Click here to listen to the Conversation recorded March 10, 2016.


Mars Zaineb Goetia is a former member of the band Blackbird Raum. She is also a single mom living on the central coast of California and working on radical conflict support within social movements and struggles.


Keith LaMar Talks with Activist Ben Turk

Topic: Tamir Rice and (the lack of) police accountability

Click here to listen to the Conversation recorded February 4, 2016.


Ben Turk is a radical theatre artist and ardent prison abolitionist. He has toured the country with Insurgent Theatre, organized with the survivors of the Lucasville Prison Uprising, and presented at academic activist conferences across the US and Canada. He has also helped coordinate the North American ABC conference for the last three years. Turk built and helps maintain He is currently an Inreach Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of IWOC: the Industrial Workers of the World's Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee and a member of Prison Action Milwaukee.

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